Ghosts of war appear
The end, my friend, is near
Smite my foes to death
Until their very last breath
Doomed to eternal defeat
Cursed be their whole breed
To quench my thirst for revenge
I set my mind now on a journey
To cross the fiery path of Hades
Blood will rain in my domain
There is no one to remain
All shall be slain
Raging storms
Pronounce my scorn
May an oath of hatred be forever sworn
Gods of war appear
Foes trembling with fear
Their mortal shells now trodden
Their worthless lives forgotten
With certainty the gods foresaw
The coming of the invisible war
Total war
Is what I saw
Total war
Death, pain and destruction to you
Bloody whore!
Invisible war
Is what I saw
I cause your death
To quench my thirst for revenge
I set my mind now on a journey
To cross the fiery path of Hades
Blood will rain in my domain
There is no one to remain
All shall be slain
Raging storms
Pronounce my scorn
May an oath of hatred be forever sworn
Before this fateful dawn
It all seemed so unreal
Under the crystal starlit sky
A calm before the storm
Suddenly it all began to break
As an unreal blood-red sun awakes
The first rays of this evil dawn
Filled with fire and with scorn
First rays of a pallid dawn
Can't deny the things I mourn
The first rays in the blood-red sky
Killed the thoughts that I deny
Pale rays of a dying sun
Descend upon the chosen one
Beyond this bounded world
Of a normal daytime life
A much darker cosmos opens
A realm of spectral light
Certainly it all began to split
As lightning strikes unto the earth
The first rays of this evil dawn
Filled with fire and with scorn
First rays of a pallid dawn
Can't deny the things I mourn
The first rays in the blood-red sky
Killed the thoughts that I deny
Pale rays of a dying sun
Descend upon the chosen one
Horn-crowned master of all times
Thy royal luster shines through ancient rhymes
My life is thine
It`s all thine!
As I fall into an endless space
My sight gets dim within this maze
Unreal shapes of fallen grace
Form into a distant haze
Wash away this sinful night
Darkened stains of past delight
And with the breath of winter scent
It all has come to an end
The first rays in the dawn
Feed my desire with scorn
The first rays in the blood-red sky
Killed the one that I deny
Pale rays of a dying sun
Descend upon the chosen one
As I fall into an endless space
My sight gets dim within this maze
Unreal shapes of fallen grace
Form into an evil face
A calling sent out through the night
Collecting souls upon our side
With passion sent throughout the dark
For the ones who bear our mark
Rise the army of the dead
Uplift thy mighty dragon head
Serpent of the night
Come forth - unfold thy might
Risen from the outer dark
Unto the moon thy legions bark
Barely settled across the lands
The chosen few will rise their hands
In brotherly unity
Unfolds their fate that thou foresee
And from the land, from earth and see
May all the sacred angles flee
I am burning
I am turning
From deep within
(From light to dark, I bear thy mark)
I am turning
I am yearning
From deep below
(From light to dark, I bear thy mark)
And that's for sure
Within the dead of night you lure
The wind refers thy call
Throughout the nightly spheres
And from the frozen old forest
Whispering shadows speak to my ears
I will carry the torch
The ancient spark
Deep within my heart
From light to dark
Risen from the outer dark
Unto the moon thy legions bark
Barely settled across the lands
The chosen few will rise their hands
In brotherly unity
Unfolds their fate that you foresee
And from the land, from earth and see
May all the sacred angles flee
With lunar strains
When passion reigns
In awe of thee
Deep mystery
Oh, how I craved for you
You are so pure
You'll bring me cure
And that's for sure
Within the dead of night you lure
I am burning
I am turning
From deep within
(From light to dark, I bear thy mark)
On black wings I ride into the night
View the dark horizons by my sight
An endless landscape drawn in blood
Now dusk awaits the final cut
And drift into the midnight sky
As mighty demons beat their wings
Awake with thunder
Thy trip begins
Along the infernal bloodline
The dreamy forest
Veiled in dusk
In poisoned sleep
The twilight breeds
With shooting stars across the sky
Raise the moon, the tide is high
The flashing glare in cosmic heights
Enlightens the darkest of all nights
With burning grace
Out of burning haze
The night reveals with burning pace
The arrival of the chosen race
Now I see it clear
Oh dear!
The cosmic theater of pain
With the stars of heaven
Falling down to earth
No more forgiveness
Creation in reverse
Creation in reverse
And drift into the midnight sky
On black wings I ride into the night
View the dark horizons by my sight
An endless landscape drawn in blood
Now dusk awaits the final cut
Along the infernal bloodline
The vast horizons
Once filled with warmth
Now display the searing trident
Of the Inferno`s future harms
Display the Inferno!
Creation in reverse!
At midnight they will rise
From the southern graveyard
At midnight they'll come to life
And through the dark they stride
At midnight the dead will rise
From the olden tombs
At midnight unearthly light
And from the dark they loom
At midnight it seems so bright
At this graveyard site
At midnight it feels alright
And through the dark we stride
Nowhere to hide
Nowhere to go
No way to save man's soul
Nowhere to hide
Nowhere to go
'Cause the angel of light is furious tonight
By this moonlit graveyard scene
Could you imagine what it means
To receive this gift of life again?
At midnight they will rise
From the southern graveyard
At midnight they came to life
And through the dark they stride
Through the dark we stride
Fallen from the ashes of torment
A life that was never meant for you
"Our father,
Who was once so bright
Within the heavens height
And from the depths of the abyss
There is no worth compared to this
Shining bright light
That thou present
Until all worlds end!"
Nowhere to hide
Nowhere to go
No way to save man's soul
Nowhere to hide
Nowhere to go
'Cause the angel of light is furious tonight
At midnight we will rise
From the olden tombs
At midnight unearthly light
And from the dark we loom
At midnight it seems so bright
At this graveyard site
At midnight you'll pay the price
The weak shall flee like mice
At midnight...... beware!
Deep in between the mighty forest
There it lies forgotten
A footprint of the devil
As a witness to the revel
Carved in stone for centuries
Extinguished from all memories
A breeze of fresh cold air
On this October's night
That's why I'm always there
Beautiful place of comfort
My devil's lair
All Hallows' Eve
Now I really want to breath
All the magic
That lies within that heart
No more to suffer
No more disease
No more fools that try to cross
My fateful path
Won't ever change
May think it's strange
But within this paradise
I'm growing strong
My vision is clear
Now - that I'm really here
To receive this gift of life
But once a year
A breeze of fire-breath
On this immortal night
That's what I'm yearning for
Infernal rest of the dragon
The devil's lair
I call unto the beast of the ditch
Tonight will be the feast of the witch
I call unto the beast of the ditch
Rush out of thy ground
I call unto the best of the ditch
Rush out of thy ground
Wherein only the brave may be found
I call unto the beast of the ditch
Tonight will be the feast of the witch
I call unto the beast of the ditch
Rush out of thy ground!
All Hallows' Eve
Now I really want to breath
All the magic
That lies within that heart
My vision is clear
Now - that I'm really here
To receive this gift of life
But once a year
Once in a lifetime
Only once you'll have the chance
Once in a lifetime
Only once you'll get a glance
So let it be done!
Full moon night, sacred rite
Bless my shrine with thy light
Come forth to me
Dark majesty
Full moon light, ancient rite
Bless my shrine with thy might
Come forth to me
My Queen to be
To seize my future from the house of death
Walk with me the magic spheres
Guide my lonely ways
Be with me, you lovely Queen
Sweet lady of the dark
Awaken thy forces
Ride thy mighty horses
Throughout the darkened hours
Bless me with thy fortune powers
Full moon night, sacred rite
Bless my shrine with thy light
Come forth to me
Dark majesty
Full moon light, ancient rite
Bless my shrine with thy might
Come forth to me
My Queen to be
Once in a lifetime
Only once you'll have the chance
Once in a lifetime
Only once you'll get a glance
Of her shining glare
Oh, you pale enchantress
Of the night
Your names are many
Your deeds uncanny
Your flesh is sacred
You slay our foes with hatred
Oh, you beautiful witch
Of infinite grace
Your names are many
Your deeds uncanny
Your flesh is sacred
Slay my foes with hatred
Walk with me the magic spheres
Guide my lonely ways
Be with me, you lovely Queen
Sweet lady of the dark
Be my sweet Queen
Awaken thy forces
Ride thy mighty horses
Throughout the darkened hours
Bless me with thy fortune powers
Your names are many
Your deeds uncanny
Your flesh is sacred
Slay my foes with hatred
Oh, you beautiful enchantress
Of the night
Lilith, Hecate, Diana, Ishtar, Eve
My sweet sister
This ground is mine!
The twilight breeds within this sacred shrine
From the broken skull I sip the blood-red wine
A salute to Baphomet - To the birth of power
I drink the elixir of life while approaching
Ghostly hour
This strike is mine!
Before the altar I make my puppets dance
Till my inner ghoulish eyes will glance
I draw my pleasure out of their decease
They who taught lies for truth became my
Mortal enemies
They who feed on their lies
Became my living dolls
I make my puppets dance
I pull their strings
I spread my wings
My eyes will glance in dark romance
Bow down before me
Now your life is in my hands
Crawl back
Creep in
Into the slime from where you come
Bastards, you are scum!
No fraud, no god, no law can help you now
The art of suffering I'll teach you now
You are scum!
Get down!!
Down on your knees you creep!
You god damned son of a sheep!
I show you the things you need
I'll make you fall and bleed
I'll make you fall and bleed
Crawl back
Creep in
Into the slime from where you come
Bastards, you are scum!
No fraud, no god, no law can help you now
The art of suffering I'll teach you
From the pits of doom
Unholy legions arise
Howling echoes in the dark
Tormented sounds of life's demise
They all bear the devil's mark
No one can take control
Within a god damned soul
To wear the horns of a master
Creates a deep disaster
To fill this empty hole
Within a god damned soul
Rose their demonic laughter
The wheel of fate turns faster
Shrouded deep within secrecy
A mind went into lunacy
Visions and dreams unite
Shadows cast upon my site
To veil my own history
In the shroud of an endless mystery
Shrouded deep within secrecy
Fabulous minds went black
And from above pure angel's blood
Keeps falling down
And the blood keeps falling
On and on and on and.....
Shrouded deep within secrecy
A mind went into lunacy
Shrouded deep within secrecy
Someone lost his sanity
Always on the run
Nevermore to see the sun
And the blood keeps falling
On and on and on and.....