"Through The Gate Of Dreams"
At The Shore Of Time (Instrumental)
Through The Gate Of Dreams
Misanthropic Thoughts
An Homage To The Almighty
Iter Somnium
Chariot (Instrumental)
The Calling Of Aeons
Cthulhu Rising (Outro)
Through The Gate Of Dreams
An icy shudder of horror
Awakes me from my dreams
Filled with ancient memories
Which haunt me through centuries
Dreams filled with ancient memories
Which haunt me through centuries
This wicked melody of divine beauty
Kept my soul wandering
As I walked through the gate
And went the seventy steps down
I drifted in the cosmic streams
Fused with the original tune of my soul
Close your eyes and follow me
On a journey through the gate of dreams
To hidden -
secret places
Which you've never seen before
Close your eyes and follow me
On a journey through the gate of dreams
This wicked melody of divine beauty
Keeps your soul wandering
And when you walk through the gate
The seventy steps down
You'll drift in the cosmic streams
Fused with the original tune of your soul
Misanthropic Thoughts
I abhor the ridiculous human race
And all the deceitful greed
Like a fist my hate will punch in your face
You will get it like you deserve it
The abomination is growing in my mind
There is no other feeling I can find
There are too many useless creatures
And every minute another fool is born
Death to all the hypocritical preachers
And Jesus Christ you will get my scorn
Misanthropic thoughts are coming through
In their deepest kind
Longing for the final end
A time of change has to come
Where the powers of nature will take command
For some it will be a new dawn
And cursed is the rest of the mankind's spawn
Cursed is the mankind's spawn!
Misanthropic thoughts are coming through
In their deepest kind
I abhor the ridiculous human race
And all the deceitful greed
Like a fist my hate will punch in your face
You will get it like you deserve it
The abomination is growing in my mind
There is no other feeling I can find
An Homage To The Almighty
In the name of Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan
I pay homage to thy infernal kingdom
O`thou fallen angel, who decides my destiny
O`thou mighty lord of the Abyss,
Father of creation
Hear me calling, lonely in the night
Inflame my heart with the glory of thy spirit
"I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim-
Where they roll in their horror unheeded
Without knowledge or luster or name"
"In a deep shaft of my soul
Sleeps a resolute power
Supplied by the fatal knowledge
Of a mighty demonic presence"
In the name of Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan
I pay homage to thy infernal kingdom
O`sweet Lucifer, thou art the One
Who fills my heart with pride
And makes me throne upon my enemies
Hear me calling, lonely in the night
Inflame my heart with the glory of thy spirit
Thou art my Lord
Iter Somnium
The setting of the sun
Upon the horizon a blazing inferno
Mountains cast their shadows
As created by titans
Majestic and full dignity
The darkness keeps entry
Yet a pale unreal light
Brights the scenery
Like the final prance
Before the all finishing death
The full moon spreads out the shroud
Mother earth lies on her death-bed
May she never rise from the dead again!
The Calling Of Aeons
I can hear the creeping chaos calling
From beyond the stars
The messenger of the ancients
Whispers in my dreams
In the outer emptiness
Beyond the spheres of time
They`re awaiting their glorious return
From the dark stars they came
Before man was born
And their blasphemies had covered the earth
As the day follows the night, the days of man will pass
And again they will pollute the earth with their curse
The soul of Azathoth lives in Yog-Sothoth
He will be the one who takes the ancients back
For they have ruled the earth and they will rule the earth again!
A supplication to Cthulhu - A search in my dreams
"O`thou, who is dead but dreaming forever
Listen to my call
Hear me O´mighty Cthulhu
Hear me lord of dreams
In thy tower in R`lyeh they've locked thee up
But Dagon will break thy cursed bans, and thy kingdom will rise again
The deep creatures know thy secret name
The Hydra knows thy residence
Give me thy sign
To know thy will on earth
When death dies thy time will come
And thou won`t sleep anymore
Grant me the might to calm the waves
That I can hear thy call
That I can hear thy c a l l !"
In his tower in R`lyeh waits dreaming the dead Cthulhu
But he will rise and his kingdom will cover the earth
That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die
For Yog-Sothoth is the gate
He knows where the ancients broke through in past times
And where they will break through again
When the constellation is right!